Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Ink In Water

The other day I experimented with a new idea for an assignment. Went to Michael's craft store to get some paints, got a glass vase that I filled with water, and set that on a table in front of my house. With my tripod I had set my camera on a self timer and to continuously shoot 5 images. I had to do this because I was working by myself so I had to set up my settings hit the shutter then run over to the vase to drop the paints in. It took some work but was fun to do and I enjoy the overall outcome of the images. I'm going to experiment more with more colors and try different techniques of dropping in the paints.


  1. I love the color in these photos. it's pretty cool. great job!

  2. Great images and your text is quite informative. Well done!
