Tuesday, October 13, 2015

"Dark City" By Lynn Saville

This past weekend I searched through some photographers, and found a project that caught my eye. This project is titled "Dark City" by Lynn Saville. She specializes in both city and rural areas between dusk and dawn. In these three images here I love the different colors the lights are giving off of at each level of the parking garage. I also like the mood the image gives because of the lack of any movement  in the photograph, there's also no cars its completely empty. The second image titled "String of lights" has a more uplifting mood, these lights are shining through what looks like an abandoned building or structure. It looks as if they fell down and no one came back to put them back up again. What i like about the last picture is that red window that's dead center of the photograph. It compares so well against the dirty concrete wall. I really enjoyed how Lynn captures night time in this project I hope to take her project as inspiration for the future. 

1 comment:

  1. Great choice as your photographer of interest...I can see some connections with your night work!
