Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Kings Park

This past weekend I took a trip to Kings Park to go to walk around the psychiatric center that use to run from 1885 to 1996. It's so fascinating that in almost 20 years these buildings are basically destroyed on the inside. Although the outside,beside from all the broken windows, are very much in tact. Nothing more of some graffiti and minor cracks from being old. I wish I had actually gone in to some of the buildings, there are many people who go on top of the roofs as well. I do enjoy how these two images came out. I like the lighting on the walls of the two rooms its very bright but also soft, then that last dark room which add an eerie feel to the image along with the debris everywhere and the ceiling that has fallen apart over the years. The bottom image was shot through what was a window that had metal bars over it. These building with the bars on the windows was where the criminally insane were kept I like the framing in this picture I almost line up the frame of the doorway with the metal bars on the window. I like that only the door frame and the little graffiti characters to the right edge are the only parts clearly in focus and that the metal bars are burred and aren't distracting to the rest of the image. I wish to come back here another day and shoot some more, maybe even bring some lights with me nest time.

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