Monday, September 28, 2015


This was my first time aver walking across the Brooklyn bridge. I was surprised to see the amount of people who were also equally as fascinated as I was with the different views of the city, and then also those people who could care less as if its nothing but a walk way to get over a body of water. Originally only built for people, meant to be a easy and quick way to get to Manhattan without having to take a boat. Many people were skeptical with the idea of walking on a suspension bridge, so the state decided to have a circus equip with band members and about five elephants to walk across the bridge so citizens could feel safe and secure walking across.The architectural beauty of the brick archways are much different then any other bridge you see today, I believe this angel gives an interesting perspective and a beautiful view of the city skyline.
Here's my first post. I'm a student at Suffolk County Community College, majoring in photography. Mostly digital work but I still love film. This image shows my favorite kind of photography, night photography and long exposures. This is steel wool being burned and swung around on a string at the beach one night, edited in class using Adobe Lightroom. I had a tripod and was on manual, ISO 200, F./ 8, 30" shutter speed. Can't wait to share more.